CCTV Security Systems
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Commercial CCTV Systems

HD CCTV Systems for Businesses

We provide security services to a wide range of business customers, from small retailers to residential estates. Safety and security in these workplaces are of utmost importance, no matter what type of business it is. When thinking about CCTV security systems you may think they are for preventing theft or crime, which is a valid assumption. However, CCTV systems have other useful business applications such as performance evaluation, safety, legal issues and false claim prevention. With an appropriate security monitoring system tailored to your business, you will have the tools necessary to keep the premises and staff safe We have the security solution to meet your business needs, at the right price. Guaranteed!

Why Business CCTV Security Systems

Seven reasons why CCTV systems are crucial for businesses today

Reduce Cost and Risk

Reduce Cost and Risk CCTV security systems prove themselves as the best investment as soon as they are installed. Full view of your premises and real-time recording as well as remote online access by owner/manager lowers the risk and prevents costly incidents such as burglary, fire, vandalism, etc.

Prevent and Deter Crime

Criminals target buildings and facilities with no monitoring or watchdog. The very presence of CCTV cameras is enough to deter potential criminals and prevent their action at the outset. Visual identification of a potential safety hazard allows employees to take the necessary action to reduce the risk and eliminate the hazard in the shortest possible times.

Fool-Proof Coverage

A well-designed CCTV infrastructure is practically impenetrable and can provide 100% coverage. Well positioned multiple cameras keep an eye on each other’s blind spots as well as the most vulnerable areas of the property. Full monitoring is not hampered by human errors such as the guard being on shut-eye or being busy with something else. Remote online access as well as recording of events documents any activity should it be needed by the police or judge.

Encourage Good Behavior

CCTV cameras help in creating discipline among employees and customers alike. CCTV cameras encourage employees and buyers to be on their best behavior, giving customers a sense of security and safety as they know they are protected, and confidence in doing business with you.

Keep Your Employees Honest

External CCTV cameras prevent break-ins by outsiders, while internal cameras monitor sensitive materials, goods and assets, as well as vulnerable areas of a facility preventing wrong-doing by company employees. If an incident occurs, the recorded video will prevent wrongful accusation and lack of trust amongst staff.

Prevent Safety Incidents

CCTV cameras can be installed in high-risk areas of a business facility or establishment. These high-risk and accident-prone areas include locations where fires can break out as well as locations where a potential danger to the building and personnel exist. Properly positioned cameras and careful monitoring can prevent potential damage, as emergency measures can be taken immediately an incident is identified.

We Also Offer

We offer a wide range of security system installations for home and business purposes. Apart from Commercial CCTV Security Systems, we also offer the following services;


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